Josue is a new youngster in the hospital. He has been grumpy, angry, sad and upset for the past few days. So much so that I didn’t feel like I could approach him except to say hello.

Josue being introduced to Tappy

Josue being introduced to Tappy

Till and I were giving out TappyBears (thanks to the donations). I came up to Josue to ask if he’d like one. As his curiosity was peaked by watching the other children receive theirs, he said yes. I sat down and showed him Tappy. I went through the points and tapped for him on Tappy. I tapped how he was a good boy, very handsome, intelligent, wonderful. That got him to smile. I tapped that he didn’t have to be angry cuz he was a wonderful young boy. We could take all that angry and throw it away. He could be happy and get better. He watched me, smiled and even laughed.

As I was tapping and his son began to smile, his father repeatedly stated with such joy in his eyes that he’s been trying to get Josue to smile for 3 days but couldn’t because he was so angry. He repeated how happy he was to see his son smile.

When I walked away, I turned around and saw that the father had taken Tappy, was leaning down close to his son, and tapping on his son then on Tappy saying phrases similar to those I used. There was deep joy in both of them.

Josue and Dad Tapping

Josue and Dad Tapping

This story is an example of what these donations are helping bring about. Once again, I send my heartfelt thanks to those who have donated to the Kids with Cancer Project. Your donations have made so much more possible in this project that brings out my passion and love for children.

Here’s a kiss from Josue

Josue blows you a kiss

Josue blows you a kiss

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The Dragon with Flames of Love
The Dragon with Flames of Love - an EFT book to help children with serious illnesses The Dragon with Flames of Love - an EFT book to help children with serious illnesses
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Helping Kids with Cancer
This 4 part Teleseminar Series gives you deep insights into using EFT with children in a hospital setting.
Green Drink, Red Drink
EFT Tapping Guides
Want some help with your tapping phrases? I have Tapping scripts and audios available to do just that. Here's a few of the titles: Money is Love, Empowerment, Virtual Exercise, Anger, Set Your Money Set Point. There's more so go check it out. People tell me all the time how they like my phrasology. :)
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Tapping Solution Book
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