What do you do when you have a very ill daughter with cancer? How do you manage the emotions that arise?

Ernesto explains how Tapping (EFT) helped him stop the mind spin he had that day when he was worrying about everything and couldn’t focus. He relaxed, felt encouraged and inspired to continue helping his daughter.

That is a blessing!!

What would you do if you had to have a painful procedure like a spinal tap? A preteen named Sergio reduced the pain caused by a spinal tap with Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). By tapping on his fear of the procedure along with tapping during the spinal tap, Sergio reduced the pain.

Deborah D Miller using EFT in a hospital setting in a complementary fashion is helping many children reduce and/or alleviate the pain associated with this procedure. Deborah teaches these children how to use EFT to manage their emotions, such as fear of the procedure as well as the pain of it. This is a benefit to all involved as no one wants to cause or observe pain in a child during cancer treatments.

Sergio also used EFT to get rid of the anger he had about having cancer. EFT also helped Sergio’s father feel more relaxed as he could see how it relaxed his son. EFT supports both father and son manage stress and pain during cancer treatments created a calmer relaxed experience.

Watch this video of Arizbe, a mother who used EFT to accept that her son has cancer. Now that can be a difficult task. Making it easier and softer is just what EFT does.

Observe what happened with her son and herself as they tapped together.

Having resources such as EFT to improve the quality of life of both the child and mother is important.

Erick has a liver tumor that is occupying 90% of his liver. He is new to the hospital.

The first day he was in oncology we did some EFT together. He smiled and told me that the pain he was feeling dropped off.

I taught him how to use EFT to continue “talking to his body” in order to love himself and his body so he could feel better.

I spoke with him today and this is what he did on his own over the weekend. It is so delightful when a child takes a technique like EFT and uses it to feel better.

Watch and see how his body responded.

Enjoy watching the children at the hospital enjoy “Dia de los Reyes” when children get their Christmas toys, eat tamales and hope not to get the “doll” in the Pan de Reyes.

Lucy made Javier a very happy boy today as she donated the funds for a TappyBear for him.
You can see the smile on his face. He is happily tapping to help him feel better as he deals
with cancer.

You too can participate in being a miracle for a child with cancer.

It’s here!!! I am sharing some of what I’ve learned from these children as I work with them
using EFT to help them improve the quality of their lives during the process of treating
cancer. It still amazes what transpires when we empower children. They are my master

You can learn more about this heart-felt work by clicking on the icon below.
Be inspired to empower your own children too!

Tapping on its own is an incredible tool for managing emotions for young and old. It is powerful yet simple, which makes it accessible to all.

I have seen so many amazing results with EFT especially with children who have their “very own” Tappy, whether they have cancer or not.

7 Reasons why I believe so:
1. Tappy helps teach a child the tapping points

2. Tappy is fabulous for reminding a child to tap

3. Tappy provides you as a parent, friend or practitioner with a “bridge” to connect with the child and help him/her deal with unpleasant emotions

4. Tappy is a tool for creating a positive routine between parent and child

5. Tappy “listens” without criticism or comment and looks directly at the child

6. Tappy helps a child feel “safe” by his soft and cuddly presence

7. Mostly, it’s “fun” to tap with Tappy so it feels like a game not “therapy”

Tappy is also great for “adults”! We adults still have a little kid in us too. You many want to get a Tappy for yourself.

Go ahead and remind your child that he/she is very special by getting him/her their own Tappy or share one with a child you love or know is in need of one like the children with cancer.

Now that would be a great Holiday Gift.

It was one of those days where the mothers and kids felt Tappy as a support. Several mothers commented on how he has helped their child and themselves feel at ease.

Here Tappy has Geraldine’s back. We laughed that he was keeping her safe while she ate lunch. Later she lay down with him.

Tappy me protega

Tappys got my back

Kevin told me that having TappyBear with him makes him feel like someone is always with him. It comforts him enormously.

In addition he taps and feels better too.

His mother said, “Those Tappys really help the children and parents feel calm and relaxed.” The look of appreciation said it all.

Today Kevin got his very own Tappy.

Kevin and his Tappy

Kevin and his Tappy

The Dragon with Flames of Love
The Dragon with Flames of Love - an EFT book to help children with serious illnesses The Dragon with Flames of Love - an EFT book to help children with serious illnesses
Donate to Kids with Cancer
Helping Kids with Cancer
This 4 part Teleseminar Series gives you deep insights into using EFT with children in a hospital setting.
Green Drink, Red Drink
EFT Tapping Guides
Want some help with your tapping phrases? I have Tapping scripts and audios available to do just that. Here's a few of the titles: Money is Love, Empowerment, Virtual Exercise, Anger, Set Your Money Set Point. There's more so go check it out. People tell me all the time how they like my phrasology. :)
Deborah loves Energy Profiling
Dragon with Flames of Love
Weight Loss & Body Confidence
Tapping Solution Book
Heal Yourself with EFT
Tapping Solution DVD
The Tapping Solution